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Week 3 - Digital I/O with Arduino

20 September 2018

In-class lab documentation

While learning about Arduino I/O in class, I made a simple LED blinking pattern. The code invokes a series of digial writes to different output pins (plus some delay so that the effect is visible to human eyes).



void setup() {
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);

void loop() {

int DELAY = 50;

void blinkers() {
  writeWithDelay(2, HIGH);
  writeWithDelay(3, HIGH);
  writeWithDelay(4, HIGH);
  writeWithDelay(2, LOW);
  writeWithDelay(3, LOW);
  writeWithDelay(4, LOW);
  // reverse
  writeWithDelay(4, HIGH);
  writeWithDelay(3, HIGH);
  writeWithDelay(2, HIGH);
  writeWithDelay(4, LOW);
  writeWithDelay(3, LOW);
  writeWithDelay(2, LOW);

void writeWithDelay(int pin, int val) {
  digitalWrite(pin, val);